Australian government agency to use USU Knowledge Management for customer services

Australian government agency to use USU Knowledge Management for customer services

The specialist in customer service solutions and USU expert partner Customer Driven Solutions has won a tender to implement a large-scale knowledge management project. The client is an Australian state government that wants to manage all services for customers and businesses via a central knowledge management system.

In addition to consulting expertise, Customer Driven’s experience with content creation and USU Knowledge Management’s performance with regard to digital support of knowledge-intensive services were key factors in winning the contract. The framework agreement including hosting has a term of 36 months with an extension option.

As part of the project, Customer Driven will gradually create the knowledge documents and integrate them in the USU knowledge database. Up to 4,000 service employees will be able to access these in future, enabling them to provide fast, needs-based, and high-quality information on all administrative topics. These include healthcare, real estate, boats and fishing, vehicles and transport, and legal and police matters.

“We are delighted to be working with our Australian partner to implement a complex knowledge management project that may also serve as a blueprint for further customer service projects in Australia’s public sector,” says USU Managing Director Sven Kolb.

This press release is available at

About Customer Driven

Customer Driven is a leading Australian Consulting firm specialising in Customer Management and Service Operations consulting and services. Directors, Louis Dupé and Peter Trowbridge, established the company in 2014, bringing years of experience in operating and transforming large scale Customer Service organisations for some of Australia’s largest corporations.

With a vision to establish an advisory and services practice that utilises experience to assist organisations in developing high performing customer service operations, Customer Driven has a proven capability in developing and delivering highly successful operations assessments and strategies across both Commercial and Government organisations.


Über die USU Software AG

As a leading provider of software and services for IT and customer service management, USU enables companies to master the demands of today’s digital world. Global organizations use our solutions to cut costs, become more agile and reduce risks – with smarter services, simpler workflows and better collaboration. With more than 45 years of experience and locations worldwide, the USU team brings customers into the future.

Further information:

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

USU Software AG
Spitalhof 1
71696 Möglingen
Telefon: +49 (7141) 4867-0
Telefax: +49 (7141) 4867-200

Falk Sorge
Investor Relations
Telefon: +49 (7141) 4867-351
Fax: +49 (7141) 4867-108
Dr. Thomas Gerick
Corporate Communications
Telefon: +49 (7141) 4867-440
Fax: +49 (7141) 4867-300
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