New mApps for the MIP
mApps by partners
The spectrum of available applications is extensive and ranges from data collection, visualization and analysis to the connection of other platforms. For example, the Berlin-based company Lana Labs (https://lanalabs.com/) connects its own "Process Mining" application to the MIP. This application can be used for the analysis of potential cost savings in manufacturing. Another example: Aucobo (https://aucobo.de/) offers an mApp for the presentation and recording of current production information on smartwatches. Additionally, Arkite (https://www.arkite.be) develops an application for the efficient execution of order picking and assembly work.
mApps by MPDV
MPDV also offers their own mApps for the ecosystem. This includes a flexible Information Dashboard, various analysis tools for quality assurance, and the mApp Digital Production Meeting for the digitalization of the planning, execution, and documentation of meetings in the production environment.
You can find further information on the MIP at http://mpdv.info/pmmapp-en
MPDV headquartered in Mosbach, Germany, is the market leader of IT solutions for the production sector. With more than 40 years of project experience in the production environment, MPDV has ex-tensive expertise and supports companies of all sizes on their way to the Smart Factory. Products such as the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) HYDRA by MPDV or the Manufacturing Integra-tion Platform (MIP) enable production companies to streamline their processes and stay one step ahead of the competition. The systems can be deployed to record and evaluate production-related data along the entire value chain in real time. If the production process is delayed, employees can immediately detect the problem and take proactive measures. More than 800,000 people in over 1,250 production companies worldwide use MPDV’s innovative software solutions every day. These include renowned companies from all industries. MPDV currently employs 480 people at 13 sites in Germany, China, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Switzerland, Singapore and the USA. For more information www.mpdv.com.
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E-Mail: n.neubig@mpdv.com