Process optimization for the casting industry 4.0: iTAC and Provitec form strategic partnership
The Manufacturing Execution System (MES) iTAC.MES.Suite and the associated IIoT solutions have proven themselves in companies in various industries. iTAC’s MES can be custom-tailored specifically to the respective requirements. The company has also developed a special solution for the foundry industry. Increasingly complex parts in the foundry industry – e.g. for electronic vehicles – require a high degree of control and quality assurance of the die casting processes.
Control processes – reduce error rates and scrap
Together with Provitec GmbH, iTAC develops solutions for the optimization and monitoring of casting processes. For example, one joint development is being used in the production of a leading company in the foundry sector. This market participant is also increasingly producing castings for vehicles with electronic drives, such as battery housings and electric motor housings. The solution by iTAC and Provitec monitors and optimizes the entire casting process, thereby reducing error rates and scrap. It integrates the entire production process, from casting, mechanical processing and laboratory checks to shipping.
In addition to the standard MES functionalities, the solution offers industry-specific features. These include the “birth lock” (i.e. if a defect is detected, the affected parts are locked immediately when serialization occurs, and a quality inspection is carried out). The locked products can not be dispatched without approval from the MES. This process is controlled based on parameters. In addition to the unique parts history including measurement and process data, an analysis of the process data, e.g. for heat treatment, can also be carried out.
The industry must open up to Foundry 4.0
These and other functionalities lead to a comprehensive MES solution – from the melting process to outgoing goods. iTAC and Provitec are also continuously working on further solutions in the areas of Industry 4.0, IoT and AI. Peter Bollinger, CEO of iTAC Software AG, explains: “Companies must open up to Foundry 4.0 if they want to survive in the market of the future. The parts are becoming more and more complex and increasingly technically dependent – at the same time, maximum precision is required. In order to guarantee high product quality and at the same time produce efficiently with low error rates and minimal scrap, MES and corresponding automation and AI solutions are essential.”
About Provitec GmbH
Provitec has been offering sustainable and future-proof solutions for automation tasks in the manufacturing industry since 1994 – from the initial idea to series production. As a specialist for highly complex production plants and software solutions, database systems with master computer functions have been developed.
Industries such as mechanical engineering, special mechanical engineering, automotive, process engineering and environmental protection rely on the Prodaisi® basic software developed by Provitec. Provicast® was developed for foundry companies with measurement data and casting shot recordings.
The traditional structure of the automation levels usually clearly separates the individual control functions. The database based Prodaisi® control software developed by Provitec combines visualization and MES tasks in a single system. A consistent user interface, both for the operation of the plants and for MES tasks, enables the simple application, clear visualization and control of the complete system by all employees from the operator to the management. Direct interfaces to all common PLC systems (e.g. Siemens S7, B&R, Beckhoff, etc.) as well as to the most common ERP systems (e.g. SAP) are used. From conception to complete special machines and systems, Provitec now serves its customers worldwide.
Die iTAC Software AG, ein eigenständiges Unternehmen des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaukonzerns Dürr, bietet internetfähige Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien für die produzierende Industrie. Das 1998 gegründete Unternehmen zählt in Deutschland zu den führenden MES-Herstellern. Die iTAC.MES.Suite ist ein ausgereiftes Manufacturing Execution System, das weltweit bei Unternehmen unterschiedlicher Industriezweige wie Automobil/-zulieferung, Elektronik/EMS/TK, Medizintechnik, Metallindustrie und Energie zum Einsatz kommt. Weitere Systeme und Lösungen ermöglichen die Umsetzung von Industrie 4.0- und IIoT-Anforderungen.
Die Philosophie von iTAC ist es, Menschen, Daten und Systeme miteinander zu verbinden.
Die iTAC Software AG hat ihren Hauptsitz in Montabaur in Deutschland sowie Niederlassungen in den USA, China und verfügt über ein weltweites Partnernetzwerk für Vertrieb und Service.
Der Dürr-Konzern zählt zu den weltweit führenden Maschinen- und Anlagenbauern. Produkte, Systeme und Services von Dürr ermöglichen hocheffiziente Fertigungsprozesse in unterschiedlichen Industrien. Rund 60% des Umsatzes entfallen auf das Geschäft mit Automobilherstellern und -zulieferern. Weitere Abnehmerbranchen sind zum Beispiel der Maschinenbau, die Chemie- und Pharmaindustrie und die holzbearbeitende Industrie.
iTAC Software AG
Aubachstraße 24
56410 Montabaur
Telefon: +49 (2602) 1065-0
Telefax: +49 (2602) 1065-30
Director Product Marketing
Telefon: +49 (2602) 1065-217
Fax: +49 (2602) 1065-30
E-Mail: michael.fischer@itacsoftware.com
Telefon: +49 (211) 9717977-0
E-Mail: up@punctum-pr.de